Sunday, August 26, 2007

I like men

I was onced asked if i like caucasian men, Normally i say no but it made me wonder?

Am i really not attracted to caucasian men???

So i came up with a list of caucasian men that i think would make me reconsider that:

(Tom Hanks, I watched DA VINCI CODE last night and i fell inlove with him again, first time was with BIG)


(Adam Lavine of MAROON 5, He kisses so well. Of course i havent experienced it but i think he does kiss well based on his sensual {music} videos)

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(Zac Efron from disney's HIGHSCHOOL MUSICAL), I know he's not a man yet but i dont mind, i think he's worthy to be on my list)

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(Chris Evans, i first saw chris in CELLULAR and i instantly fell in love with him, He has other small movies but FANTASTIC FOUR was his major film.default

(Keanu Reeves, I love him in CONSTANTINE)default

(Richard Gere, The savior of all woman from PRETTY WOMAN, I saw him again in JACKAL last night and SHALL WE DANCE)default

(Brandon Routh, My new SUPERMAN)default

TROJAN PEACH: Caucasian men would be very interested in you. You're an exotic woman in their eyes.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


My Supervisor had her blog for quite sometime now but i havent added her in my list coz i dont like her blog. BOy i was wrong, The blog that she wanted me to add was not her friendster blog but her XANGA BLOG which i WAAAAAY better than friendster's




Sunday, August 12, 2007

A friend whom i can always depend on.

During my bleak saturday, Nobody knew how i was feeling and what i was going through but an angel saved me from a drastic disconnect from the world.


My nappy napnap has been a very good listener. He managed to clear my mind from all the emotional turmoil that saturday brought me. Now more than ever, i know that once we embark on our new lives in a new country, we'll be kindred just like our spirits.

Thanks for the friendship and laughter and eventhough we both didnt get the fairytale, We still are princesses on our own rights!



And im so proud coz both of us are doing well in school! keep it up!

TROJAN PEACH!: Im a bit confused too.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


I could be shrewish at times but Che is worse, hehehe


He says coz im too spoiled and demanding.


well actually we are just so insecure of may. hahahah


TROJAN PEACH: Dont be silly

Currently playing:SoNGBIRD

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


i have work and i have school and because of that, i've been spending alot and been stacking up on food. Now im plump, grumpy and broke!


TROJAN PEACH : ok i wanted to ask you... how is your training.


TROJAN PEACH: ms. grumps!

Currently playing:misty blue

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Here are my friends,


Here's my bisexual boyfriend's other girlfriend, MAY, heheh

CHE is gaining polpularity in school and among my friends.


He's 5'11 and he's the cuddliest testosterone filled organism in my life.



And if you're looking for someone (uhhmm someone), He is very much available hehehe.


Although i dont know how good a boyfriend he is coz we dont get along well on the romantic side,( I am already commited and he's really not tolerant with my DIVA MOMENTS )hehehe


But it doesnt mean i cant take advantage of his, delicious>>>>CHEST


TROJAN PEACH: Go to bed young lady!


Ay babae pala, malandi lang, hehehe


Friday, August 3, 2007


There is only one man for me but sometimes i girl needs a testosterone filled human to be right by her side and the safest way for that is to be with a man not attrcted to me (ergo gay). And since my reliable gay boyfriend is busy humping someone i needed a replacement. luckily i meet a new guy and he perfectly fits the profile i need.



We went out on a date but having to go through that personal bonding, I realized i could never substitute a real man from someone who's looking for his own MAN too. He's practically competing with my diva moments and my princess caprices.



Although i still love him, We can never stay in one place together coz we just try to steal the spotlight from one another.

TROJAN PEACH: have some halohalo for me

This is Confidential!

I really dont wanna tell this to anyone but i have to let this out of my mind or else im gonna go crazy. i hope i dont jinx this~

Daycat has been very busy looking for a new house, There has been a couple that he liked but somehow he cant make a deal and that make him the grumpy, distant and unresponsive daycat i've seen. He even had some moment of "procrastifornication". I worried that things between us were slowly drifting apart and I've been very difficult to handle and more difficult to please. i always nag about our situation and our relationship being vague.

but one morning he announced that he made an offer and homeowner's accepted it. Although it will be a really stretch on him, He believes he can still go out on a blowout vacation around november on a certain archipelago in asia.


Although this has been what nikkiadobo have been dreaming and although this is still a farfetched plan. NikkiAdobo can't help but be scared and anticipate all crazy things. Plus the fact that what daycat would spend on this vacation will be better off transferred to nikkiadobos bank account, hehehe. Kidding aside, If this plan would happen. a lot will surely change and this opens new doors for renewal, oppurtunity and foundation of something new.

TROJAN PEACH : want to be able to own someplace to call my own. Of course, if I move away from Phoenix then i would have to rent it out... but at least I'd know I still have it i'm rather alone in this world, in some ways... :( a family of one. i feel.... sort of lost without my own place. A home. All mine.

LOVELY NIKKI : YOu dont have to feel alone. never again will you feel that way!


Sometimes i wanted to be more of a bitch than a goody good person!

SCENARIO: Someone asked money from me and although we used to be friends, personal differences and circumstances led us to part but being the nice (ergo stupid) person that i am, I lend him that much needed money but the only way i could do that was to transfer fund since he only have one bank account and he's not on this side of the world. I tried doin it online but the computer i was using didnt have java installed on it so I went to the nearest ATM but for some reason no transaction record was produced. An hour later, My former friend called up to ask if i have transferred the funds, i told him i believe i have but just to check i went and injuired about my balance and my account was not debited, For the love of Samuel L Jackson. he asked me if i could do it again and this time i should try a different ATM. Ok since im sleepy and needed to get out i said yes, went to look for a different ATM and got disappointed to see that most near ATM doesnt support my bank network. So i went back to my banks ATM just to try it again but nothing happened so i went in and talk to a bank teller. He looked at me as if im dumb and walked me through the steps. kinda irrated i showed him i know how to do it and i even used jargon just to show him im not dumb. He looked at my card and found out that the card issued to me has a software defect and can only be used for withdrawing cash and since my account came from the main branch it will take a while for me to transfer funds over the counter~

My friend did a three way call with my bank customer service and for some reason the agent doesnt know what's goin on.I was so tired but since i was already near the main branch i went in and have my pestering card be replaced and transfer that money. I never had an identical signature so i have to update my customer profile everytime i do personal banking so this has been a real hassle. so from now on. i will learn how to affix a permanent signature.


UPDATE. After four banking days. My new ATM is available for pickup, I though eveything will be ok but they cant verify my signature so the nice bank lady had to get my signature specimen so i can copy my own signature. (im such a shmuck) and fuck,my bank account was debited PhP 50 for the replacement of that defective card issued to me~

TROJAN PEACH: Who is he?

LOVELY NICKY : Former sup