My Dermatologist wanted me to come for a procedure i didnt know was part of my treatment. She said just come in anyway it's free. It was scheduled last friday Feb 11, 2011. I went to the clinic not knowing what will be done to me. Her assistant put topical anesthesia on my face that had acne scars and waited for it to make its magic. 45 mins after later, they ask me to come in thinking it had numbed my face for the procedure. I used to have Laser genesis so i was kinda expecting it will just be the same hot light passing through my face, Boy i was wrong. The laser was like 3 hot needle sewing my face but for the love of beauty i endured everything. After the 30 min procedure. My face was swollen and throbbing but it wasnt red. The laser created small circle white burns kinda like bandage patterns and i find it cute. Doctor gave me a face mask and i went home with it and people were staring at me, thinking i must be sick or worse i may have aids or something. i could see them moving away from me. Hahaha.
I had work that night coz my request not to come to work was denied and i knew it, People would start asking me what happened to my face because at this point, It was all red and little small wounds were visible. I must have said "i had laser treatment " too many time i lost count.
One treatment costs PhP 15000 ($343) and i should have 3 treatments, Luckily for me. Everything was for free. Hahaha. That's what you get for being the model of Fraxel.
Swelling went down 24 hrs from the procedure but small whitehead looking breakouts are still visible. I think those are small fluid filled thingies expected from the micro wounds created by the laser. im using topical antibiotics now to help heal my face and to prevent infections but i had to admit, this healing process itches like a bitch.