HUMMMN!!!! MEN. can't live with them, can't live without them. Well i think some may disagree with me but actually it's not man per se that we can't live without. IT's love and everything that comes with it.
Skeptics might say, "Does hurt come with it?" I would say YES! when you love, you will hurt! The moment that you allowed yourself to dream or to smile because of someone, You have to prepare yourself from mountains of pain.
So how can we hurtproof ourselves? Can we do that by not loving at all or by thoroughly choosing the person that we will love? If we would like to shield ourselves from pain. We should not have feelings. We should not have emotions. Coz the moment that we do. we will hurt. And having too much criteria for love is not a guarantee that the other person that we choose will not hurt us. sometimes what's too good to be true is really just a superficial facade.
HERE'S MY STORY: I have been blessed to have 3 great boyfriends. Although it didnt last. I can say that i have experienced love, the true essence of it. and even if parting with them was heart devastating. It left me a sense of longing to love again. Three years has past since i had a someone. between that period i can say that i should have had somebody to love. i was just too scared. Scared that what was in front of me was not real. That somehow i was not good enough to considered as a potential lover. I tried to tell myself that i'm the best girlfriend there will ever be. but of course how can that be possible. And if there will be a chance for a new love. i would automatically diss it and think that i'm just gonna be used (for money or for sex). Im longing to be loved again. But before i love someone i should love myself first. and i should not disguise fear from self preservation. coz the more i try to protect myself, the more i become unworthy of love.