Saturday, November 22, 2008

i feel sick or maybe it's just in my mind

There have been talltale signs that i am not taking care of myself the way that im supposed to. Three nights i go, i had some pressure in my heart. It was not pain but more of a discomfort or heaviness, There have been instances that i felt this way before so i could have Angina Pectoris (chest pain resulting from lack of oxygen in the heart muscles due to obstruction or spasm of coronary arteries) or i may have Atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries due to plaque.) and then last night i was performing self breast exam and i thought i felt a lump but it was just actually my ribs. (yess i am that skinny)

I could go on with crazy symptoms and diseases i might have, (STD, very unlikely since im celibate. NODULES, only after howling during gimick nights, RAT BITE FEVER, i think i was bitten by a rat, but i didnt have fever and there are only 11 cases of rabies infection from rats all over the world. etc)

Then i remembered HYPOCHONDRIASIS (a condition of excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness) this is categorized under Somatoform Disorders (mental disorder)

I need to have work soon, im getting crazier by the minute, hahaha. Where is MAXICARE when you need one?


On a lighter note. I know im just getting paranoid since im not doing anything for the past 3 months, I mean im happy because im learning alot from reading but im getting rusty since i really hate passive learning. I need some action in life. hehe. Last time i rode a cab, The driver had the scariest red eyes. (the kind you get from not sleeping or from just getting up from sleep or getting drunk or high) and he was staring at me. Oh boy, my mind was racing with crazy thoughts, i actually had to stash my money inside my bra coz i was scared who would hold me up or rape me (personally i dont mind him raping me, bwahaha) and it didnt help when he suddenly turned to this unlighted street besides PACO PARK>old cemetery during spanish era turned into a park<>

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