Sunday, December 7, 2008

How come it's taking us too long?

I've been checking out youtube for the longest time to get info and ideas (knowledge gathering) and i particularly love THE VIEW specially when whoopi says her views on issue. One significant point she pointed out "How come it's taking us too long" to accept things that other countries have accepted years ago? And this made me realize. why the hell is it taking everyone to accept things that is right in front of us?

Case in point:

  • Very recently, Prop 8 received majority vote in california that bans gay marriage. A highly controversial proposition since they spent $35 million to twist all the facts about the legality of gay marriage and instill fear to those uninformed. Millions that could have alleviated hungry mouths but who cares right?, so long as marriage is between a man and a woman. One propaganda says that once gay marriage is legalize, A priest or church official will be jailed or sued if marriage rights are refused to gay couples. (because under the anti discrimination law, No church can discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or they can lose tax exemption, penalize or even imprisoned) but upon checking, Church has always been protected from any lawsuits and this is ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE US CONSTITUTION that says no law will be passed that disrespects established religion, so if they dont believe in homosexuality then it is their prerogative not to recognize same sex marriage.
  • 2nd propaganda says that once same sex marriage is allowed. Schools will begin to teach Homosexuality or that this will be discussed in classrooms even on elementary schools which is really absurd since homosexuality is not and never has been taught. Homosexuality is naturally occurring and no homosexual can teach a heterosexual to be attracted to the same sex. Recent US and Australian Studies says that they may have found a genetic source or biological reasons why a person becomes homosexual or transgendered. (US RESEARCH HERE and AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH HERE) Of course children will always be curious and will ask why a man/woman marries another man/woman. Why cant they just say that this is because they love each other and they wanna live together as a lawfully recognized partners?" Wouldnt this be a better answer that foster not only tolerance but acceptance? but no. The archaic and primitive intelligent people think that this will spread homosexuality and life on earth will be condemned and doomed to the bowels of hell.
  • The Vatican recently said that they will oppose a french initiated UN proposition that calls all governments worldwide to di-criminalize Homosexuality coz they fear that once this is passed. Homosexuality will be the new trend or way of life and that people, groups, organizations, countries and entire religions will be pressured to accept the sinful ways of homosexuality. The mighty Catholic church who has always been the protector of life is willing to close their eyes to the fact that millions of homosexual persecution is happening all over the world so whose life are we protecting now? if this proposition is passed. The church will not tumble down to its ruins but more lives will be spared from ignorance driven fears.
Some African countries, Iran, Sudan and other countries that follow islamic laws execute accused gays. If homosexuality is a choice, Why would any one choose to be gay just to be executed the next day? People who have experienced discrimination simply wants to have a decent life that is without fear, a life that is equal to the person next to him. The state of Massachusetts and Connecticut legalized same sex marriage. Did their state halt to the ground? BELGIUM, CANADA, NETHERLANDS, NORWAY, SOUTH AFRICA AND SPAIN has same sex marriages and i dont see fires from the sky or the ground opening up to swallow them or the sea rising to take them down. Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, United Kingdom has progressive laws that grants equality, why cant we have it too? NEPAL AND CUBA have won the challenge of educating misrepresentation of homosexuality and transgenderism. Why cant we do the same? I know there are more important issues and problems and equality is not a pressing agenda but these countries and states were able to do it. HOW COME IT IS TAKING US THIS LONG?

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