MOD :Your account was suspended because of multiple profiles which is against TOS.
Is there a reason you had 2 profiles?
NICKY: Mod, I only have one profile. Look at my startdate I came to tgdate August of 2009.
with over 300 blog and over 7 thousand comments.
how are you sure that it is i who made that other account. Pls give me proof that i am
that person who made multiple profiles otherwise this is basically a witch hunt against me.
Thank you
MOD: The other profile came from your IP address, and is located in the philippines
while the profile claims to be in Hawaii. Also you are making comments about your ' ther personalities'
NICKY: again how can that be my fault? why are you punishing the verified profile against
the fake profile? I cannot be held responsible for an account that someone made up since
i am not able to stop that from happening.
MOD: From your IP address?
NICKY: i dont even know my I.P address. doesnt that change when using a router?
or maybe someone is nerd enough to know how to imitate my address. I will talk to jim
about this. Thank you for your time.
It's a sad day for Nicky
after 4 years of great joy staying in TGDATE, She was kicked out because
of this. I still dont know how this happened and why im being punished
for something i did not do but i guess my innocence is shattered because
in the mind of the moderators, im nothing but a "fake profile creating" low life.
Nicky never argued with anyone nor did she participated in any catfights.
She was only there to post blogs and to leave BWAHAHAHA on every comment.
But she knows she is not wanted in TGDATE anymore so she is saying
goodbye to all her TGDATE friends,
This time it will be permanent.
Thank you TGDATE. I still think you are the best website there is.
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