I celebrated my party yesterday. It was loads of fun eventhough i had the worst panic attack stressing about the prep and everything. Anyway i'll let the piqturs do the talking.
Of course in tradition to the year of the pig, The whole event had food galore all over it. and music courtesy of ear-drum-beating gina, total entertainer ria, virginal voice haydee, tooth extracting doc, simply flawless kaye, versatile kathy and kokomo dancing anna.
To everyone who came, THANKS for making our double celebration such a wonderful event.
Special thanks to nap and kathy for coming with me to buy the food that i was craving for.
AGAIN! Thank you for making me enjoy that evening and special thanks to my date 
NOPE! not this mysterious guy!
this guy>>>
hahaha, puppy will always be part of my life no doubt about it.
Ok so the night went on after my friends have gone home.
Jenn and i was the last ones standing, even my date have had it and went to doze off early
We were about to wrap the night when our classmate from HS. txted me and asked if he could come over. So the night went on.
Think my cam is so drunk already when i took this pic, hehehe
ANYWAY~ thanks feugene for dropping by and here's all the camwhoring that we did.
It's evident that we were so sleepy, ugly and smelly so we decided to end this shit and finally rest. OMG~ is that 2:00 on the clock?
But before we went, We had one last piqture taken since it seemed we dont have any piqtures of us yet. AS IF~
too bad my cam is soo drunk, he cant focus straight hehehe.
and so as not to make my love jealous, the last and best piqture goes to him and me together.
it seems he couldnt care less, anyway i really had fun specially with these boobs trying to steal the scene.
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