Wednesday, November 11, 2009

why this hate?

i've noticed too many harsh and spiteful comments within trans community. bwahahah i mean. i know there are alot of jaded ladies and men out there but cmon, there are lots of people coming here to find solace, comfort or understanding.i just hope we create that kind of community as well. and for those who are thinking of saying that this is not a place to look for that kind of consolation, well its your right to say it so go on, bwahahahahha.
and for those who hate me for no apparent reason. i know why you hate me now,. coz im rich, im sexy, im smart and i dont need to be a whore to feel wanted!

wait i just did it, heheh too much hate~ 


(5) comments

pokerslut 12 Nov 2009 | 82 comment(s)
This is common and it is bad enough getting hate from the rednecks. I think it is partly because everyone's journey is different and people don't have enough understanding for others who are not as far along or have a slightly different urge.

I am always happy to talk to those who feel like they need a little support in private email if they don't want to share with the whole group.

Stay as pretty as you are.


Aidzzzter 12 Nov 2009 | 59 comment(s)
Well, in my own honest opinion, it could be three things:
1. Bitterness
2. Insecurities
3. Or worst, maybe some people just get some kind of sick pleasure in belittling and demeaning others..
Nicole_Nicky 12 Nov 2009 | 7389 comment(s)
hehe, thanks ladies.