Sunday, August 1, 2010

I never intended to be this sad today

Our story began a few years back. I saw him during fiesta. He's a cousin of a neighbor and i thought to myself. Wow what a goodlookin guy. I was smitten right away. a few year later i saw him again and started to ask about him, Nosy friends started to say that i have a crush on him so they introduced us. He has an equally goodlooking brother and his brother and i got along well. Christmas came and he invited me over but i refused since i really dont know him at all and of course i was shy. Then it was New year and i was my fabulous self again. Brother said that i was so pretty and sexy and he never thought i be that gorgeous when made up. Another fiesta came and this time my guy had the courage to invite me again. I took his offer and for the first time we talked and got to know each other. He even held my hand and from then on i knew he's a sweet guy.

Now he is leaving for work and im a emotional disaster and i cant cry because i know there is no reason for me to cry.