I was onced asked if i like caucasian men, Normally i say no but it made me wonder?
Am i really not attracted to caucasian men???
So i came up with a list of caucasian men that i think would make me reconsider that:
(Tom Hanks, I watched DA VINCI CODE last night and i fell inlove with him again, first time was with BIG)
(Chris Evans, i first saw chris in CELLULAR and i instantly fell in love with him, He has other small movies but FANTASTIC FOUR was his major film.
(Keanu Reeves, I love him in CONSTANTINE)
(Richard Gere, The savior of all woman from PRETTY WOMAN, I saw him again in JACKAL last night and SHALL WE DANCE)
(Brandon Routh, My new SUPERMAN)
TROJAN PEACH: Caucasian men would be very interested in you. You're an exotic woman in their eyes.
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