Oopps, My bad. i mean sexuality and gender identification. (this is not in anyway professional in nature.)
SEX: People are born MAN and WOMAN and nothing else. Fine. That is true. I person can only be man and woman. no argument on that. Genetically there are only two combination XX for women and XY for me. This is the physical aspect of a person but it doesnt define who that person would be. let's talk about the,,,
GENDER: People are either MALE or FEMALE regardless of their sex. This can also be expressed as masculine or feminine. Therefore a man could be masculine or femine or a woman can be masculine or feminine. or sometime they can be both. Confused? Wait we also have to take into consideration the sexuality or,,,
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: A person could either be STRAIGHT (HETEROSEXUAL) so he/she gets attracted to the opposite sex. GAY (HOMOSEXUAL sometimes LESBIAN is applied to WOMEN) so they get attracted to the same sex. BISEXUAL those who gets attracted to both opposite or same sex.
So a person could have all the combination here. Crazy aint it.
Lets review:
- A masculine man could be straight , gay or bi.
- A Feminine man could be straight , gay or bi.
- A masculine woman could be straight , gay or bi.
- A Feminine woman could be straight , gay or bi.
Let's complicate things more:
Transgendered: Broad term relating to a person who doesnt conform to the assigned sex/gender and sexual orientation they were born with. Lets get specific.
Transexual: A person that identifies more as the opposite sex rather than their biological sex. meaning a man who believes she should be a woman (MTF or MALE TO FEMALE) or a woman who believes she should be a man (FTM or FEMALE TO MALE)
Tranvestite Or Crossdressers: A person who wears the clothing of the opposite sex but clearly doesnt wanna be the opposite sex. (note: There is transvestic fetishism. It is a condition where a person gets sexually aroused or gets sexual satisfaction/gratification by wearing the clothing of the opposite sex.)
Intersex: A clinical diagnosis where a person has both physical sexes. (hermaphrodite)
Ok enough about this coz im starting to get a headache. Anyway as my ex told me. SEXUALITY is something i shouldnt worry about and definetly something that i should not stress on figuring out.
ALL i know. Im one damn hot chick (coz i have high fever) hehehe
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